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onlineUnleash the power of DOTS

8. April 2021 um 19:0020:30


DOTS is one of the most promising features Unity has been working on for years and will change what is possible with games today.

This Dots webinar will focus primarily on the production-ready parts of Unity’s new Data-Oriented Technology stack which you can use in your application today. Many great assets on the store have already capitalized on the insane performance boost (up to 1000x) Unity’s jobs and burst compiler can deliver already today.

In this webinar, we walk you step by step through implementing a new feature into a complete project where the traditional approach of Unity’s Monobehaviour just can’t accomplish what is required.

We go through multiple iterations, each one highlighting another part of the DOTS technology stack to bring more and more performance until we have barely any performance impact from the new feature on the existing application, where the initial implementation brought the app to its FPS knees.

DOTS is still at the beginning of its existence, but nonetheless, one of the most promising features Unity has been working on for years and will change what is possible with games today. We briefly get an outlook of what is to come in the future and why it is exciting for everyone.

# Outline

  • What is DOTS and why should you care?
  • Dots is experimental and shouldn’t be used correctly?
  • Dots and ECS are the same things, right?
  • Dots only works for tech demos and not for real projects…
  • Production-Ready features of DOTS
  • Jobs
  • Collections
  • Burst Compiler (Jobs, Collections, Burst Compiler)

## Dots to the rescue

Step by step implementation of new features leveraging only production-ready parts of DOTS into an existing Monobehaviour application

([3D game kit]( of unity).

  • We start out with the existing unity sample project and are tasked to implement a new feature
  • We first try the traditional approach of mono behaviors and realize that will never work
  • We then go on the journey to discover DOTS and many of its features to accomplish the feature in record time with incredible performance

## A look into the future and why you should get excited about ECS

  • New mindset which will allow to scale Horizontally
  • Many features still missing and 1.0 is far away
  • Project Tiny
  • DOTS will allow creating your own engine

# At the end of the webinar, you will take home

  • What DOTS is all about and that it is comprised of multiple different packages
  • What you can use today, and what is experimental, and why
  • Have another powerful tool at your disposal for your future projects which you know the benefits of and the risks to use today.


8. April 2021
19:00 – 20:30


Online Event


XR Bootcamp
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