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BerlinVR Berlin Pimax Roadshow at the MD.H
19. November 2022 um 9:00 – 20. November 2022 um 17:30
VRBLN is back with the next physical event at MD.H University near Tiergarten after the long covid break.
Pimax will have the first stop of their worldwide roadshows in Berlin, demoing the upcoming Pimax Crystal QLED, as part of the new Reality Series. The Pimax Crystal hardware is currently entering mass production while the software development is still ongoing, so you will be able to have a sneak preview of what’s coming.
Also Sensforce will demo their sound feel system for games, music and movies. They offer 8% off for participants.
In order to give participants enough time for testing there will be four demo stations running in parallel organized in bookable 30 minute sessions over the whole weekend.
Please note that RSVP to the event on Meetup will not reserve you demo session(s). In order to particapte you need to reserve your slot(s) on SignUpGenius.
Snacks and drinks are kindly sponsored by Pimax.
The high-end PCs for the demos are provided by Caseking.
When you attend the event, you agree to this code of conduct:
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