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AltspaceVRX-TALK: The Metaverse as a Theater Stage?
24. August 2022 um 20:00 – 21:30
The Metaverse as a Theater Stage?
Speaker: Anne Seubert (Gründerin von Brands & Places) und Thomas Zorbach (Gründer & geschäftsführender Partner vm-people GmbH)
Acting with Avatars, Gestures with joysticks, virtual worlds as stages? The Metaverse is a place that provides a space for new forms of theater.
In their talk, Anne Seubert and Thomas Zorbach share their experiences while working with young theater makers as part of the Berliner Festspiele’s “Theatertreffen der Jugend 2022”.
About the Speaker
Anne Seubert, Founder Brands & Places, and Thomas Zorbach, Founder & Managing Partner vm-people GmbH
Anne Seubert, born in 1979, studied cultural studies at the European University Viadrina and works as an artist, format designer and author in Berlin. She loves collaborations with other cultures, artists, places and languages and is happy when her work succeeds in surprising, questioning and touching. For her, the virtual worlds are blueprints that make other rules possible and necessary.
Thomas Zorbach first experienced what immersion is at the age of eleven when he read „The Neverending Story“ by Michael Ende and traveled to Phantásia together with the hero Bastian Balthasar Bux. Today, he tells stories himself and develops immersive brand experiences for companies in a wide range of industries. After the outbreak of the pandemic, he moved to the Metaverse where he regularly hosts conferences, workshops and parties.
Event-Code für AltspaceVR: XLJ599
X-TOUR: 18.00 – 19.00 Uhr
Warm Welcome und geführte Tour durch Social-VR
X-TALK: 20.00 – 21:30 Uhr
The Metaverse as a Theater Stage?
Speaker: Anne Seubert (Gründerin von Brands & Places) und Thomas Zorbach (Gründer & geschäftsführender Partner vm-people GmbH)
X-BEATS: 22.00 – 23.00 Uhr
VR-Party mit Live-DJ-Set
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Hinweis: Die Teilnahme an einer X-TOUR ist nur mit vorheriger Anmeldung möglich.
X-TALK und X-BEATS sind öffentliche Veranstaltungen.
The X-NIGHT events on AltspaceVR
For the best experience use a VR headset e.g. an Oculus device or an HTC Vive. If you don’t have a headset, download AltspaceVR on your PC and follow the event in 2D mode.
You can also watch the X-TALK live on YouTube:
On the second Thursday of the month, we invite you to an international meet-up at AREA X, our venue in Virtual Reality. In addition to a speaker who shares his experiences around new, immersive forms of storytelling with us, our meetings offer plenty of time and space for exchange around our campfire.
X-NIGHT is a social VR event from the series IMMERSIVE X hosted by vm-people. Partners: eXperimental Reality Lab & Karlshochschule.
Please find more information about the X-NIGHTS at http://x-nights.net/
Learn more about vm-people at https://vm-people.de
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