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ZoomXR Bavaria Meetup – Experimental XR
2. Dezember 2021 um 18:00 – 20:00
XR Bavaria Meetup – Experimental XR featuring Mel Slater and Stefan Palitov
The increasing adoption of VR technologies both in the industry and with regular consumers, brings forth questions of the effects these tools have in its users. In this conversation with Prof. Mel Slater we will look into the effects of virtual body adoption on situation awareness, implicit attitudes and self-reflection. Furthermore, we explore what are the possibilities for using VR as a tool for psychological and social group improvement. These topics open up towards speculations on potentials, challenges and ethical issues surrounding behavioral data gathering and behavior modifications through VR design.
Mel Slater
Mel Slater is a computer scientist known for his pioneering work in virtual reality, in particular in the field of embodiment and presence in VR. He is currently Distinguished Investigator at the University of Barcelona. He is Director of the Event Lab (Experimental Virtual Environments in Neuroscience and Technology) at the University of Barcelona. He is a co-Founder of Virtual Bodywork Inc. In 2005 he was awarded the IEEE Virtual Reality Career Award in Recognition of Pioneering Achievements in Theory and Applications of Virtual Reality. He received the A. v. Humboldt – J. C. Mutis Research Award in 2020.
Stefan Palitov
Stefan Palitov is a XR and cultural researcher and filmmaker. His focus is storytelling, XR experience design, cultural spaces and art & tech. His academic background includes BA in Philosophy and MA in Media Arts Cultures Erasmus Mundus Excellence Program. Former Artist in Residence at ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe and UNESCO Media Art Residency in Changsha, China.
This meetup will be in English
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