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onlineXR Bavaria Meetup – Motion Capture
17. März 2022 um 19:00 – 22:00
This time we take a look at Motion Capture Technologies. There has been a lot of progress in this field over the last few years. Motion capture is not only for big studios anymore. There are solutions even small agencies and creatives can afford. How start creating motion capture data and what is the right product for your needs.
We have guests of the industry-leading companies.
Martin Tabery of Manus
Markus will be showcasing the new Manus Polygon motion capture solution. He will also show us how Body tracking and hand tracking systems play a crucial role in the virtual production environment. These technologies are also already in use in the industry. He will present some exciting technologies and concrete application scenarios.
We have a presentation of Rokoko featuring the new Smart Suit 2. The second edition of the popular mocap suit combines impressive motion tracking technology with effortless configuration to elevate indie creators and speed up studio workflows.
The event is free as always:)
Cheers Clarence
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