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onlineXR Bavaria Meetup – State of Augmented Reality 2021
20. Mai 2021 um 18:00 – 21:00
We look into the developments in the field of Augmented Reality. What are the trends in 2021. Where do we stand with the adaptation of AR in the industrial and marketing sector? What’s is possible with WebAR these days?
This Meetup is hosted by Philipp A. Rauschnabel AR / XR Enthusiast &
Professor @ Universität der Bundeswehr München and Clarence Dadson of XR Bavaria.
Speakers will be:
Dr. Robert Adelmann,
University Lecturer Augmented Reality and Product Manager at Google Stadia
Robert has 15+ years of experience in an increasingly merging real and virtual worlds: from research at ETH Zurich and MIT to start-ups and AR projects in the industry. Currently, he is working on the future of games and virtual worlds at Google Stadia and is a lecturer for AR, applied AI and HCI/UX innovation at Swiss universities. www.robert-adelmann.com
Prof. Jonas Heller
Assistant Professor at Maastricht University School of Business and
he is part of the global research group www.augmented-research.com
His research investigates how emerging digital technologies (such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality) impact customer experiences when consuming products or services. In particular, his research studies how new forms of data visualization impact customer’s cognitive and affective responses and how these responses translate into behavior for financial decision-making.
Clarence Dadson
CEO of the XR agency Design4real and Chairman of the XR Bavaria.
He will give an overview of the different solutions to create AR for marketing purposes.
As you might have guessed this one is going to be in English 🙂
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