- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
HamburgThis happened Hamburg #11
3. Mai 2019 um 19:30 – 23:30
This happened is a series of events focusing on the stories behind interaction design. We delve into projects that exist today, how their concepts and production process can help inform future work.
(Inter)nationale Sprecher lassen hinter die Kulissen ihrer digitalen, interaktiven und/oder urbanen Projekte blicken.
Die Veranstaltung beginnt am 3.5.2019 um 19:30 Uhr, Einlass 19 Uhr.
Dr. Axel Averdung, Philipp Kafkoulas (SinnerSchrader):
Axel and Philipp will talk about „holoride“ – turning vehicles into moving theme parks: „We believe time is the most precious thing and your commute shouldn’t waste it. So we should turn transit time into valuable time, making people on the go happier, smarter, and even more productive with holoride.“
Hannah Johnson, Gion Tummers (Demodern):
Discovery Dock
Discovery Dock is a new, permanent exhibition about the Port of Hamburg. Together with Dumont Media Group, Demodern transformed an empty space next to the Elbphilharmonie into an immersive, interactive experience. Leading the project from initial research, over the idea, to final exhibition in less than a year. Thanks to a unique choreography of mixed reality, projection mapping, and real-time data, it takes visitors from Hamburg and all over the world to places in the port they’d never have access to – in a way they won’t easily forget.
Dries Depoorter:
Die With Me + TinderIn
Dries Depoorter is a Belgium artist working with technology. His work addresses themes such as artificial intelligence, privacy, and surveillance. Among his creations are apps, games, and interactive installations. Dries’ artwork is situated both online as well as in the physical space and spans a range of different media. His latest project is „Die with me“, a chatroom app that you can only use when your phone has less than 5% battery power.
Die Veranstaltungsreihe ist non-profit und der Eintritt kostenlos, ihr benötigt jedoch ein Ticket von eventbrite!
TICKETS GIBT ES AB DEM 23.4.2019, 0:01 UHR.
Eventuelle Last-Minute-Änderungen und News erfahrt Ihr auch über https://twitter.com/thishappenedhh.
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