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PforzheimHackathon – Mixed Reality & Artificial Intelligence
24. November 2018 um 8:00 – 25. November 2018 um 15:30
2-day Premium Event
Organized by medialesson and Meyle+Müller in Partnership with Porsche and Microsoft. Attendees concept, design and code to solve challenges and experiment with new ideas for Industrial Design using XR and AI with the help of mentors.
Bring your own ideas or join a team hacking on challenges around UX prototyping for automotive systems, exterior and interior design and many more.
We’re inviting developers, 3D artists, designers, innovation managers and tech strategists to join us in a packed weekend and use the opportunity to improve our skills, see what our peers are doing and connect with the professional XR community.
Explorer what’s next for XR and AI.
We are thrilled to announce that our local Porsche Center in Pforzheim will provide us with 3 really cool cars to actually work on! This gives every attendee the opportunity to develop their apps and use cases on a real car.
Many thanks to our friends at the Porsche Center Pforzheim.
PLEASE REGISTER HERE: https://hackathon.media-lesson.com
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