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Neubiberg5th International AR & VR Conference
12. Juni 2019 um 13:00 – 14. Juni 2019 um 16:00
An International Conference at Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBw)
5th international AR VR Conference. After four years in Manchester (UK) with more than 200 attendeesfrom industry and practice, we are happy to announce that we will be hosting the 5th edition of this conference in Munich.
- Science and Industry Tracks
- Special Issue (Journal of Business Research)
- Conference Proceedings (Springer Book)
- Doctoral Consortium (Workshops, Meet-the-Editor Sessions)
- Exhibitor Area
- Workshops on XR for SMEs
- Social Events (BavARian Night, Flight Simulator)
- Attractive Location nearby the Alps
About the Conference
Multiple forecasts indicate that the evolution of media and technology will further blur the boundary between the real-word and the virtual world. To better understand how these new realities impact a variety of business and management practices, the growing and interdisciplinary community of international researcher meets at the international ARVR conference to present and discuss recent advancements in the field. This conference has rapidly developed from a small conference on AR, VR, and Mixed Reality to an established conference attracting researchers from business, tourism, MIS, and so forth. The last conference attracted more than 230 people from more than 20 countries to Manchester, UK. In addition, keynote speakers from renown companies, such as Microsoft , BBC, PwC, and Samsung, discussed new technological developments within the industry; a presentation that continues to attract numerous scholars from around the world.
In 2019, the conference will be held at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, in Germany, hosted by Prof. Dr. Philipp Rauschnabel, chair of the newly founded Professorship of Digital Marketing and Media Innovation.
More information and impressions on the previous conferences in Manchester can be found here: Conferences 2015-2018
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