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BerlinEFM VR NOW Summit 2019
10. Februar 2019 um 13:00 – 23:30
175 Euro
Half day conference and networking event for companies and corporates who want to explore the opportunities of Virtual Reality – as a technology, as a platform, as a medium.
Virtual Reality and Cinematic VR are exciting new tools to tell stories unlike they have ever been told before. Neither film, nor game, but a whole new way of creative thinking, producing and arranging dramatic and lifelike immersive experiences. At the EFM VR NOW Summit, we share the insights of international film makers, 360 video pioneers and Virtual Reality professional. This program is customized for the needs of a film festival audience, with approachable speakers and lots of opportunities to network.
DATE: Berlin, February 10, 2019
TIME: 13:00 – 19:00
DOORS: 13:00
PROGRAM DRAFT (subject to change)
13.00 Doors
14:00 Welcome and Introduction
14:05 Talk 1 | Block “Distribution”
Introduction and overview on “Out of Home Entertainment” with VR
14:25 Talk 2 | Block “Distribution”
Technological developments in location based entertainment
14:45 Talk 3 | Block “Distribution”
Distribution and Co-Production of immersive Media
15:05 Panel-Discussion | Block “Distribution”
Analysis and Q&A with the speakers and audience
16:10 Talk 4 | Block “Content Production”
Hollywood and VR
16:30 Talk 5 | Block “Content Production”
„Kobold“ recap and new productions in the pipeline
16:50 Talk 6 | Block “Content Production”
“Das Boot” recap and the new projekt in the pipeline
17:10 Panel-Diskussion | Block “Content Production”
Analysis and Q&A with the speakers and audience
In cooperation with the European Film Market, hosted by Virtual Reality e.V. BB, in partnership with INVR.space, produced by Booster Space.
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