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onlineLaval Virtual Europe
7. Juli 2021 – 9. Juli 2021

An event at the heart of Laval
Every year since 20+ years, the town of Laval (Mayenne, France), has become the capital of virtual and augmented reality. During 3 days, all the major VR/AR players gather at Laval Virtual. It’s a wonderful opportunity to discover and meet 300+ exhibitors of the VR/AR field. The exhibition invites renowned speakers from 50 countries to take part in the rich and visionary programme of the 4 conference cycles. Let’s meet on 7-9th July 2021 for the 23rd edition!
& virtual…
An augmented 23rd edition
For its 23rd edition, Laval Virtual has decided to organize the first hybrid event. Building on the success of its virtual edition in 2020 in the Laval Virtual World, the Laval Virtual exhibition to be held from 7th to 9th July 2021 will be both physical and virtual. Create your avatar and join the 18,000 visitors from all over the world to attend conferences, networking moments and the Laval Virtual Awards ceremony!
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