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MünchenMunich AR Regulars Table #ARMUC
14. Januar 2020 um 19:30 – 21:30
We have a regulars’ table on AR and VR…
• for you to get to know and get involved in the AR & VR community
• to exchange new ideas and crazy concepts
• to show off with new technology* done by your own or by others
• to gather ideas for new projects
• to discuss the status quo or upcoming hard- & software
• to network
• to present demos
• … or just for a beer chatting about something completely different!
*) We will discuss and ideally show and use technologies such as: Microsoft Hololens, the META, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Playstation VR, GearVR, Daydream, Project Tango devices, Leap Motion, Sulon-Q… and maybe one day Magic Leap. 🙂
Find more details on the augmented blog:
The regulars’ table is now with a fixed recurrence of every 8 weeks. Be sure to check back here on MeetUp for details.
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