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HamburgUnity Developer Day: Hamburg 2019
6. Juni 2019 um 9:30 – 18:00
13,49 Euro
The annual Unity Developer Day conference tour is back with more dates than ever! Our second event of the EMEA tour will be held in Hamburg, Germany!
Join us at the first ever Unity Developer Day in Germany for an exciting day of development talks, games, interactive media, and more Unity updates: Hamburg, June 6th, at the InnoGames offices!
Unity Developer Day is a conference series dedicated to supporting local developers through the exchange of stories and skills that promote the creation of successful Unity games and interactive media.
Our Hamburg edition brings together the local Unity community and Unity staff to share their expertise through a full-day conference track, networking lunch, and a showcase of local projects made with Unity.
Local speakers will share experiences and insights gained throughout the creation of their Unity projects – be it through programming, design, art, audio, business, and more.
Expert Unity evangelists together with guest speakers will give talks focused on how local developers can get the most out of their work with Unity and its services.
100% of all proceeds raised from the event will be donated to a local charity.
Our final agenda will be coming soon!
Confirmed talks:
Unity 2019 Roadmap
Ciro Continisio, Technical Evangelist – Unity (@CiroContns )
Creating a micro vegetation system for mobile devices
Andreas Hackel, Senior Technical Artist – InnoGames (@herrvollbaer)
Creating a custom system to render micro vegetation like grass or flowers. This session covers a custom painter and a renderer that makes heavy use of GPU instancing.
Introduction to Unity’s Lightweight Render Pipeline for mobile games, VR and AR applications
John O’Reilly, Technical Evangelist – Unity (@John_O_Really )
Attend this session to learn Lightweight Render Pipeline basics, including where to get it, LWRP main features, and how to set up rendering. John will also touch upon customizing a rendering system based on the Scriptable Render Pipeline API.
Technical KPIs for real-time multiplayer games
Martin Fabichak, Head of Development – Chimera Entertainment
KPIs are no strangers to anyone working on the mobile game industry, but technical KPIs are often misused or not used to its full potential. Attend this lecture to understand how we used it to enhance the communication among developers, clients and third-party providers on a multiplayer game developed in unity.
Launch planning, Game server density and Multiplay Overview
Curt Anderson, Solution Engineer and Ben Mead, Multiplay Key Account Manager – Unity/Multiplay
With learnings from over 15 years of multiplayer hosting and game launches, Ben and Curt will run through Multiplay’s unique Hybrid scaling technology and offer insights to multiplayer development teams. Together, they will cover key best practice development objectives for hosting games at scale including player density, optimization targets, industry averages and launch planning.
Follow #UnityDeveloperDay on Twitter to catch the latest news about talk announcements, event updates, and more!
Interested in showcasing at Unity Developer Day: Hamburg? Get in touch! You can submit a request through our request form!
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