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BerlinVRBLN Focus: Immersive Technology at Stage|Set|Scenary
18. Juni 2019 um 15:00 – 18:00
VRBLN and Messe Berlin invites you to a VRBLN Focus event at the immersive showroom of Stage|Set|Scenary (https://www.stage-set-scenery.de/en/)
Stage|Set|Scenary is an international event happening every two years that focuses on entertainment technology like stage planning, audio/visual event technology for events, theatre, museums, conventions etc.
This year it will feature an immersive showroom where applications of immersive technologies like VR/AR/MR will be showcased and discussed.
There will be also a lot of networking opportunities.
Showcases and speakers will be announced soon.
VRBLN members that register on Meetup will get a discount code allowing free entry.
18th of June 2019, at 3 pm to 6 pm. After event party.
Messegelände Berlin, Messedamm 22, Immersive Showroom (Hall 20/Booth 100), 14055 Berlin, Germany
See you at Stage|Set|Scenery,
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