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BerlinVRBLN Focus: VR and Social Impact
12. September 2018 um 18:00 – 20:00

Let’s discuss the role of social innovation in relation with VR. Can VR startups have an impact on the society by addressing social issues through VR technology? For this occasion we team up with The Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND) and GTEC (German Tech Entrepreneurs Center) to organize a special panel discussion with five successful VR entrepreneurs.
Definition: Social enterprises (or social startups) use business solutions to tackle some of our most pressing societal issues.
Panelist 1:
Philipp Wenning: Co-founder of INVR. He is developing and shooting narrative concepts for VR.
INVR.SPACE is an Award Winning Virtual Reality Full Service Studio.
Panelist 2:
Maren Demant: Co-Founder of Invisible Room
Invisible Room is a Berlin based studio that designs and crafts playful XR experiences to excite, inspire and empower.
Panelist 3:
Philip Zajac: Founder of Rehago
Rehago: Rehabilitate patients recovering from stroke with VR.
Panelist 4:
Thomas Mann: Founder of FRAMEFIELD. He has passion for design, interaction, realtime-computer graphics and demoscene.
FRAMEFIELD crafts user-centered apps for VR, AR, 3D, medical.
Panelist 5:
Thomas Gagneret: VR business developer, helping launch and develop a VR startup focused on B2B collaboration software in the field of industry.
– Katrin Elsemann: CEO of Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e.V.
– Carl White: Co-organizer of VRBLN
12th of September 2018 from 18h00 to 20h00
GTEC Berlin Campus (5th floor)
Stresemannstr. 123 WeWork
Potsdamer Platz
The Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND) is the network of social entrepreneurs and social startups in Germany that focuses on improving regulations and instruments for social entrepreneurship.
The German Tech Entrepreneurship Center (GTEC) brings together the community, startups, corporations and academia to promote digital entrepreneurship in Germany and beyond.
VRBLN organizes regular VR events in Berlin region such as the Virtual Reality Berlin Meetups and the VRBLN Focus events.
We are looking forward to talk VR and social entrepreneurship with you!
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