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BerlinVRDB#47: Unity3D worshop with introduction to VR (Session 4/5)
22. März 2019 um 18:30 – 20:30
Hi everyone,
For people wanting to learn about Unity3D and VR, we organize with the ReDi school free workshops (5 sessions) about Untiy3D at the Digirales Lernzentrum at the Sony Center (Potsdamer Platz).
Session 4/5:
Directions: Local & World – Raytracing – LookAt() – Animation & Events – If Statements & Booleans – Pause Script with WaitForSeconds()
Instructors: Carl White (Meshicon Software, VR Meetup Berlin, AWE Nite Berlin), Zaid Zaim (ReDI School).
Install Unity 3D on your laptop beforehand (it takes >30 minutes) and bring your laptop!
See you Friday!
Carl White
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