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KölnWomenize! Games And Tech | Cologne Edition
12. Oktober 2018 um 11:00 – 13. Oktober 2018 um 18:00
20€ – 80€
Womenize! – platform for intitiatives in tech, digital business and media. Boosting female empowerment and diversity since 2015. For the first time in Cologne. Funded by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. Location Partner: Cologne Game Haus
Womenize! is the action platform for talents in games, tech and digital business. After a successful event during #gamesweekberlin 2018 earlier this year, we are happy to announce the first edition in Cologne on Friday and Saturday, October 12-13, 2018!
Which other location would suit this format better than the new and amazing Cologne Game Haus?
Program outline:
Friday, October 12, 2018 (Doors: 11:00)
Conference & Recruitment Area (12:00-20:00)
Saturday, October 13, 2018 (Doors: 12:00)
Workshops (13:00-18:00)
Networking: ongoing
Visit our website for more details: www.womenize.net
Combining practical and theoretical program parts, the format is designed specifically for women who seek to build a career in the fields of games, media and IT, including HR & culture managers, decision makers, institutions and multipliers. Furthermore we want to inspire emerging talents by giving sHeroes a stage.
That said: The event is open to all genders.
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