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BerlinX-SEMINAR & Aperitivo #8: GAMEDESIGN
6. September 2018 um 18:30 – 20:30

College of X-SEMINARS are back after the summer! A series of weekly events offering insights, tricks and practical skills in Visual Arts. Each evening digs into a theme coming from our courses starting on October 15th – supported by our partner network, Scuola Internazionale di Comics.
The 8th Seminar focuses on GAMEDESIGN & Storytelling!
Sven Haeberlein / TROTZKIND (Berlin)
How games and cinematic storytelling come together?
(VR / 360 Gamestudio)
The event will take place in the new headquarters of College of X in Graefestr. 35, 10967 Kreuzberg, Berlin.
As a treat we serve Prosecco or non-alcoholic drinks for early birds, and cater delicious Italian finger-food after the talk made with love by MINI – Wine, Food and Cult Movies.
The event will take place in the new headquarters of College of X in Graefestr. 35, 10967 Kreuzberg, Berlin – in the souterrain event space and terrace.
Limited seats.
See our list of upcoming events and courses also @ http://www.collegeofx.com
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