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AltspaceVRX-TALK: BYTE Challenge – The german digital education platform
8. September 2022 um 20:00 – 21:30
BYTE Challenge – The german digital education platform
Speaker: Carolin Neumann (DevOps Consultant at IBM)
A third of eighth-graders can barely handle computers. Half of the schools have no Wi-Fi, and in a survey by WDR, the state of digitalisation at schools in Germany was given an average grade of 4.2 (1.0 is the best). Students‘ digital education is poor, although STEM subjects are economically crucial for Germany. Teachers cannot buffer all lack of action by the government. Therefore, the BYTE Challenge founders aim to inspire students to learn digital survival skills while collecting $Bits and $Bytes which can be traded for fabulous prizes. BYTE is the digital education platform to digitalise Digital Natives.
Don’t miss the After-show party in AltspaceVR with a live DJ-Set: https://account.altvr.com/channels/immersive-x
About the Speaker
Carolin Neumann (DevOps Consultant at IBM)
Carolin Neumann is a DevOps Consultant at IBM. She studied computer science at TU Berlin, focusing on blockchain technologies. Besides her studies, she gained practical experience as a working student and later as an independent software developer and data scientist, among others, in London, Luxembourg and, of course, Berlin. She now passes on her fascination for technology to the next generation of students. Therefore, she founded the BYTE Challenge, the digital stem education platform by the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.). The BYTE Challenge is a 100% voluntary non-profit project that offers over 100 completely digital courses on STEM, digital skills and orientation after school all over Germany. She wants to advance digitalisation, reduce prejudices about STEM professions and empower young women with her commitment.
Event-Code für AltspaceVR: TVU926
X-TOUR: 18.00 – 19.00 Uhr
Warm Welcome und geführte Tour durch Social-VR
X-TALK: 20.00 – 21:30 Uhr
BYTE Challenge – The german digital education platform
Speaker: Carolin Neumann (DevOps Consultant at IBM)
X-BEATS: 22.00 – 23.00 Uhr
VR-Party mit Live-DJ-Set
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The X-NIGHT events on AltspaceVR
For the best experience use a VR headset e.g. an Oculus device or an HTC Vive. If you don’t have a headset, download AltspaceVR on your PC and follow the event in 2D mode.
You can also watch the X-TALK live on YouTube:
On the second Thursday of the month, we invite you to an international meet-up at AREA X, our venue in Virtual Reality. In addition to a speaker who shares his experiences around new, immersive forms of storytelling with us, our meetings offer plenty of time and space for exchange around our campfire.
X-NIGHT is a social VR event from the series IMMERSIVE X hosted by vm-people. Partners: eXperimental Reality Lab & Karlshochschule.
Please find more information about the X-NIGHTS at http://x-nights.net/
Learn more about vm-people at https://vm-people.de
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