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AltspaceVRX-TALK January: All Power to the Artists!
13. Januar 2022 um 20:00 – 21:30
In the first edition of the year, we welcome two highly inspiring speakers on stage at AREA X: Astrid Kahme, Head of European Creator’s Lab, and Sara Lisa Vogl, co-founder of the organization Women In Immersive Technologies Europe (WIIT). Self-expression, creative empowerment, and the democratization of virtual spaces are the topics they will talk about in a fireside chat.
Join live in AltspaceVR or watch live on YouTube.
Don’t miss the After-show party in AltspaceVR with a live DJ-Set!
X-TALK: 8 pm – 9:30 pm CET | AltspaceVR and YouTube
All Power to the Artists!
Astrid KAHMKE meets Sara Lisa VOGL for a fireside chat
Everyone is talking about the #Metaverse – Astrid Kahmke talks to Sara Lisa Vogl, who designs worlds and avatars under her artist persona @Meta_R00T. Self-expression, creative empowerment, and the democratization of virtual spaces are topics of our Fireside Chat.
Sara Lisa VOGL is co-founder of the organization Women In Immersive Technologies Europe (WIIT) and a member of the Global Future Council VR/AR of the World Economic Forum. As a designer with a background in Communication Arts and Interactive Media, she has dedicated herself to the research and development of new VR experiences since 2013 and investigates their impact on human perception. Sara is convinced of the potential of immersive and virtual realities, creates new interaction concepts, and experiments with possibilities in UX design for VR. Sara is based in Berlin and Montreal.
With a storyteller’s heart, Astrid KAHMKE works as curator for immersive arts, consultant, coach, and producer. In the past she produced international feature films, and, after more than 20 years in the film industry, she moved forward to immersive media. She was Creative Director of the Bavarian Film Center for several years, where she started to build the infrastructure for the XR industry with governmental support in Bavaria from 2016 on. She is co-founder and director of the Virtual Worlds Festival, designed the European Creators‘ Lab for artistic XR in 2017, and has been the director and soul of EUCL ever since.
X-BEATS: 10 pm – 11 pm CET | AltspaceVR
Live DJ-Set from DJ Illuminatty
The X-NIGHT events on AltspaceVR:
For the best experience use a VR headset e.g. an Oculus device or an HTC Vive.
If you don’t have a headset, download AltspaceVR on your PC and follow the event in 2D mode:
You can also watch the X-TALK live on YouTube:
On the second Thursday of the month, we invite you to an international meet-up at AREA X, our venue in Virtual Reality. In addition to a speaker who shares his experiences around new, immersive forms of storytelling with us, our meetings offer plenty of time and space for exchange around our campfire.
X-NIGHT is a social VR event from the series IMMERSIVE X hosted by vm-people. Partners: eXperimental Reality Lab & Karlshochschule.
Please find more information about the X-NIGHTS at http://x-nights.net/
Learn more about vm-people at https://vm-people.de
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