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AltspaceVRX-TALK: Looking for the Traces of Change
9. Juni 2022 um 20:00 – 21:30
Looking for the Traces of Change
A closer look at NFT, Metaverse, and Gamification
Speaker: Alexander Pinker (Innovation-Profiler, Future Strategist & Startup-Experte)
The X-NIGHT events on AltspaceVR
For the best experience use a VR headset e.g. an Oculus device or an HTC Vive. If you don’t have a headset, download AltspaceVR on your PC and follow the event in 2D mode.
You can also watch the X-TALK live on YouTube:
On the second Thursday of the month, we invite you to an international meet-up at AREA X, our venue in Virtual Reality. In addition to a speaker who shares his experiences around new, immersive forms of storytelling with us, our meetings offer plenty of time and space for exchange around our campfire.
X-NIGHT is a social VR event from the series IMMERSIVE X hosted by vm-people. Partners: eXperimental Reality Lab & Karlshochschule.
Please find more information about the X-NIGHTS at http://x-nights.net/
Learn more about vm-people at https://vm-people.de
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