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AltspaceVRX-TALK: Virtual Creativity
10. März 2022 um 20:00 – 21:30
Virtual Creativity: Can VR make us more creative?
Speaker: Christopher Werth (Director Strategy & Concept, VOK DAMS worldwide)
Our parents have always warned us about new immersive technologies: In the 18th century, it was considered dangerous to read novels. There was a danger of losing oneself in other worlds. Later it was said that television would give us square eyes, computer games would create criminals, and smartphones would shatter our attention span.
Shouldn’t technology like VR drive us completely into a stupor? Like in Simon Stålenhag’s illustrated novel The Electric State?
Christopher Werth claims the opposite at his X-TALK on March 10, 2022. He shows how VR can be used as a productive booster in the individual steps of the creative process to develop new ideas with various applications and the targeted change of premises.
About the Speaker
Christopher Werth
Director Strategy & Concept, VOK DAMS worldwide
Christopher Werth is an expert in experiential marketing. He studied theater production and staged at the Schauspielhaus Bochum. After working as a creative at Jung von Matt and Scholz & Friends, among others, he is now Director Strategy & Concept at the agency for events and live-marketing VOK DAMS worldwide. He writes a gaming column for CulturMag and gives lectures at universities and international conferences.
X-TOUR: 18.00 – 19.00 Uhr
Warm Welcome und geführte Tour durch Social-VR
X-TALK: 20.00 – 21:30 Uhr
Thema: Virtual Creativity: Can VR make us more creative?
Speaker: Christopher Werth (Chief Metaverse Officer, VOK DAMS worldwide)
X-BEATS: 22.00 – 23.00 Uhr
VR-Party mit Live-DJ-Set
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Zu den Altspace-Events
Hinweis: Die Teilnahme an einer X-TOUR ist nur mit vorheriger Anmeldung möglich.
X-TALK und X-BEATS sind öffentliche Veranstaltungen.
The X-NIGHT events on AltspaceVR
For the best experience use a VR headset e.g. an Oculus device or an HTC Vive. If you don’t have a headset, download AltspaceVR on your PC and follow the event in 2D mode.
You can also watch the X-TALK live on YouTube:
On the second Thursday of the month, we invite you to an international meet-up at AREA X, our venue in Virtual Reality. In addition to a speaker who shares his experiences around new, immersive forms of storytelling with us, our meetings offer plenty of time and space for exchange around our campfire.
X-NIGHT is a social VR event from the series IMMERSIVE X hosted by vm-people. Partners: eXperimental Reality Lab & Karlshochschule.
Please find more information about the X-NIGHTS at http://x-nights.net/
Learn more about vm-people at https://vm-people.de
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