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BerlinXR Stories with Nomtek
21. November 2019 um 18:00 – 21:00
XR stories Chapter 1: The ups and downs of Augmented & Mixed Reality R&D
XR Stories with Nomtek is (hopefully) a cyclic event where we want to create a space for people to share experiences around AR, VR, and Mixed Reality.
We want to discuss how those technologies impact our lives and they way we do business.
We want to debunk myths, share lessons learned and tell others about our recent creations.
In Chapter 1 we will be dealing with the ups and downs of Augmented and Mixed Reality R&D
– what makes a good a good XR R&D case?
– what is the optimal R&D cycle?
– what are the unexpected limitations we may experience?
– how to turn an R&D case into an MVP?
To illustrate that, we will share the whole dynamic lifecycle of an XR installation called One Berlin – AR stories.
How it moved from early-stage R&D into a working prototype and pivoted into something that is actually being used.
You will be able to play with our application on your iOS device and Magic Leap on the night of the event!
If you have a cool XR story to tell – bring it with you!
After the presentation there will be a time slot for networking, where we will all talk face to face, have a drink and share the experiences
See you at the XR stories!
//Factory Berlin Member tickets are reserved for members of Factory Berlin only. Ticket holders will be asked to show their member identification on the door. Guests with Member tickets who cannot provide member identification with not be admitted or will be required to pay by cash for a public ticket on the door.
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As part of Factory Berlin events, video, picture or audio recordings are made regularly. The attendee/guest agrees that the Factory Berlin or authorized third parties can create image and/or audio recordings of the attendee/guest during the events at any time and the attendee/guest agrees to such by visiting the respective event.
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- Datum:
- 21. November 2019
- Zeit:
18:00 – 21:00
- Eintritt:
- Kostenlos
- Veranstaltungskategorie:
- talk
- Veranstaltung-Tags:
- Berlin, Factory Berlin, XR Stories
- Webseite:
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/xr-stories-with-nomtek-the-ups-and-downs-of-augmented-mixed-reality-rd-tickets-76242412107
- Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
Lohmühlenstraße 65
Berlin, 12435 Deutschland Google Karte anzeigen - Webseite:
- https://factoryberlin.com/
- Factory Berlin
- Webseite:
- https://factoryberlin.com/
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