- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
22. April 2020 um 15:00 – 17:00

XRBASE Investor Event
VR and desktop
The XRBASE Investor Event returns for a 4th ‚VR pilot‘ edition at Laval Virtual World, for the first time fully online and in Virtual Reality.
Together with HTC Vive X and Laval Virtual we aim to connect startups with VCs in a new way and on new platforms, and collaboratively learn from the experience while making valuable connections.
Selected startups are invited to each pitch three minutes in front of a panel of expert VCs and the online audience during the public pitch event.
April 22nd, 2020
A panel on the impact of the current crisis on our emerging XR industry and the VC model will be hosted by Daan Kip of XRBASE and Dave Haynes of HTC Vive X.
We will facilitate private one-to-one meetings between selected startups and participating VCs and decision makers, and host a social mixer to continue conversations.
Given the pilot nature of this edition of the investor event we will not have a specific theme or topic so all XR startups are invited to apply.
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